GKSM 2019

Swedish Championship in Gæðingakeppni 2019 is now over and Illugi with Sómi frá Hofsstöðum ended up in 8th place in GDA, fivegait. It was a fun final with really good horses and Sómi had a lot of energy and didn't want to trot  But we made the highest score of all horses in the final for pace with the average score 8,72!! A BIG thanks to the owner Lisa Johansson for letting me train and ride this fun and good horse  Thanks to Karlslundriding for sponsoring, I'm riding in theirs Kontakt3 saddle  and also thanks to LJ Staket for making a great, easy and safe staket for horses!

I also want to say congratulation to all my students, it's really fun to follow you, train and help you and your horses. I am so happy for all your results!
Thanks to Dyggur, the club that orgonized everything with the SM-group.
Now it's some "realaxing time" until more horses is coming from iceland in the end of September!


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